Hi, and welcome to How to Feed a Dog – a simple no nonsense guide to feeding our furry fluffball family members.

I’ve studied and reviewed pet food for many years, dealt with consumers, retailers, manufacturers, and universities alike. I’ve learned many things and helped many dogs along the way.

The sheer profiteering in the pet food industry is staggering, and it grossly neglects the one truly important thing – the health of our pets.

We’ve all been deceived by clever marketing and corporate influence, and so have our vets (they’re pet doctors, not pet nutritionists).

I’m not an evangelist, I’m a pragmatist. I advocate raw but I understand the practicalities of feeding dry food. I recommend variety, and I recommend you do your best to feed your dog the right way. Hopefully I can help guide you, and I hope this website gets you thinking.

I’ve structured the website a bit like a book with short chapters for easy reading.

Why not start at the beginning?

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